Theano Coaching & Writers' Workshops

About Writers' Workshops and Writing Coaching


2280  December 23, 2020
2593  June 10, 2021
2750  September 14, 2021
2822  October 20, 2021
3030  February 20, 2022
3184 May 23, 2022
3335 Sept 1, 2022
3522 Jan. 1 2023
3809 July 1 2023
4004 Jan. 1, 2024
 4227 June 1 2024

One of the missions of Theano Coaching LLC is to help writers develop their personal voices and produce the books, blogs, articles, marketing materials, short stories, biographies, or fiction that they want to have written.  I want both my individual coaching and writers' workshops to be
places of:

  • Emotional safety for trying things out and taking chances
  • Effective affirmation where we spend at least as much energy looking for what's already strong as we do looking for what could make a piece even stronger.
  • Honesty and forthrightness, where we help each other develop our authentic voices

Writers' Workshops

Writers' Workshops run along the lines of Richard Gabriel's wonderful book, Writers' Workshops & The Work of Making Things

Generally people belong to small groups with either 2 or 3 other members plus facilitator and meet regularly to review each other's work. The reviews are very structured in the manner summarized in Workshop Description.

Members can log into this web site to see a directory of of members, agendas for meetings, and useful tips and notes.

If you are interested in joining such a workshop, please fill in the contact form.  We will be in touch shortly.

Writing Coaching

Kathryn Britton works with a small number of writers to help them set writing goals, overcome blocks, and produce writing that they are proud to publish.  She also does content, organization, and style editing. 

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