Books Sit Write Share brings together many things that I've learned working with aspiring writers in the form of experiments that people can try out. The 13 Sit experiments help a writer sit down and get going. The 26 Write experiments help writers imagine, draft, and edit content. The 16 Share experiments help a writer get support and get published. Visit the Sit Write Share website for a blog and a large collection of resources that I collected while writing the book.
Co-edited 3 books in the Positive Psychology News series:
![]() addresses the thoughts and behaviors that build resilience. Sixteen authors from five continents bring practical suggestions based on the latest research to your fingertips. This little book explores an important question: Why do some people go through hard times and become stronger? Do they think differently than other people do? Do they behave differently? What can we learn from them that can make our lives better? Illustrations by Kevin Gillespie. ![]() explores the value of thankfulness to human flourishing. Eighteen authors explore the benefits of gratitude and practices that make it easier to experience. Illustrations by Kevin Gillespie. | Articles and Chapters in Books Building Resilience for Hard Times (originally published on the Anita Borg site in 2009) Acting "As If" in Executive Coaching. Written with Shannon Polly. Published in Positive Psychiatry: A Casebook. Positive Psychology Coaching for Sports Leaders. Written with John Yeager. Published in Positive Psychology in Sport and Physical Activity. More than 100 short articles on a wide range of topics in positive psychology on Positive Psychology News. Some of her favorites:
Britton, K. (2008). Increasing job satisfaction: Coaching with evidence-based interventions. Coaching: An International Journal of Research, Theory, and Practice, 1(2), 176-185. My cohort during MAPP wrote the following paper describing an authenticity model that I think makes a lot of sense: Atterstam, B. T., Britton, K. H., Judge, E. Westcott, & Rosetti, M. Ufberg (2006). A values-based authenticity model. The goal is to spend as much time as possible in Q4, the Instinctive Authenticity quadrant. |